12th ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop, Colorado, USA, 2023


Cartographic Communication: Text Variables on Maps - Geoff Aitken

Weighted Median Filtering for Terrain and Contour Generalization - Leland Brown

Terrain Revelations - Aileen Buckley

Salt River from Summit to Seafloor: A Study of Shaded Relief Techniques for Coastal Environments - Margot Carpenter

A Defense of Dedicated Terrain Work in Graphics Journalism - Carl Churchill

Mapping the Alabama Landscape: A Retrospective - Alex Fries

A Portrait of Alfred Oberli - Jürg Gilgen

A Few Considerations Regarding Field Data Collection in Mountain Environments - Sam Guilford

Colorado - Pictorial Planimetric Oblique Cartography from 1894: A Review and Explorations of Reproductions with Digital Tools - Matthew Hampton

Remapping Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park - Becca Holdhusen

Maximizing Variance of Relief Shading - Patrick Kennelly

Mapping Carnivore Movement and Interactions in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem - James Meacham

Controllable Lighting Model for Designing Digital Panorama Maps in the Style of Novat - Nolan Mestres, Romain Vergne, Joëlle Thollot, Arthur Novat

Mapping Glacier Peak: A 3D Oblique Tutorial Using High-Resolution Data - Joe Milbrath

Why Put Your Map in a Box? - John Nelson

Malaspina Glacier Panorama - Tom Patterson

Redefining Heights of Mountain Interesting Peaks and Other Characteristic Points in Slovenia - Dusan Petrovic, Dusan Petrovic, Blaz Kovacic, Primoz Kete

Mapping Visual Landscapes - Brandon Plewe

Using Projection Distortion in Panoramic Maps - Charles Preppernau

Swiss Authors and Producers Map Mountains Around the Globe - Stefan Räber

Topographic Hachures in QGIS - Timofey Samsonov

Off Kilter: The Assets of Oblique Satellite Views - Robert Simmon

Climber's Map of the Heart of the Teton Range - Alex Tait

Open Data, Open Source, Opening Opportunities: A Love Letter to Open Data and Open Source Software - Andrew Tyrrell

Perspective Mapping Extreme Locations - Stephen Tyson