Commission on Mountain Cartography

PAPERS — Lenk, Switzerland

Papers and Presentations

New Requirements for the Relief in the Topographic Databases of the Institut Cartogràphic de Catalunya | Presentation
Authors: Blanca Baella, Maria Pla

Combination of Traditional Hill-Shading and Digital Cartography on the Small Scale Maps | Presentation
Author: Gizella Bassa

The Rwenzori Trekking GIS | Presentation
Authors: Costante Bonacina, Giorgio Vassena, Giuseppa Cipriano, Susanna Bulferetti, Bob Nakilesa

Investigations into the Spatial Pattern of Annual and Interannual Snow Coverage of Brøgger Peninsula, Svalbard, 2000 – 2007 | Presentation
Authors: Manfred F. Buchroithner, Nadja Thieme, Jack Kohler

Evaluation of Cartographic Resources in Researching Landforms in High Mountains – Case Study of Double Ridges in the Polish Part of the Tatra Mountains | Presentation
Authors: Igor Drecki, Justyna Żyszkowska

Cartographic Analysis of Avalanche Hazard Maps – A comparison of Relevant Cartographic Factors for the Visualization of the Avalanche Bulletin | Presentation
Author: Markus Eckerstorfer, presented by Karel Kriz

Charles Jacot-Guillarmod – One of the Pioneers of the Swiss Style of Rock Representation | Presentation 1 | Presentation 2
Author: Hans-Uli Feldmann

Multidate Mapping Approach to Determine Alpine and Subalpine Vegetation Variations on Mount Jacques Cartier, Quebec, Eastern Canada (1973-2004) | Presentation
Authors: Guillaume Fortin, Jean-Luc Pilote

Mobile Mountain Mapping | Presentation
Authors: Juan Ignacio Galera, Jesus Miguel Garcia, Joaquín Ramirez

A Retrospective Look at National Geographic Magazine's Mountain Depictions in Maps, Panoramas and Perspective Views | Presentation
Author: Martin Gamache

Aerial Photos + Photogrammetric Plot = swisstopo's Rock Representation: Caricatured Mountains? | Presentation
Author: Jürg Gilgen

Cartography of High Mountain Areas – Testing of a New Digital Cliff Drawing Method | Presentation
Authors: Loïc Gondol, Arnaud Le Bris, François Lecordix

The Swiss Alpine Club SAC and its Role in National Mapping | Presentation
Author: Martin Gurtner

Cartographic Mountain Relief Presentation – 150 Years of Tradition and Progress at ETH Zurich | Presentation
Author: Lorenz Hurni

Rodnei Mountains Tourist Map – A Tourist Mapping Project in Romania | Presentation
Authors: Gabriela Ilies, Marin Ilies

Automatic Scree Representation for Topographic Maps | Presentation
Author: Bernhard Jenny

Photogrammetric Map of the Tatra Mountains (1934) as an Example of Local Adaption of Swiss Style Cartography | Presentation
Author: Rafał Jońca

Designing the DEM of the Base of the Swiss Plateau Quaternary Sediments | Presentation
Author: Peter Jordan

Documentation of the Retreat of Gössnitzkees and Hornkees Glaciers (Hohe Tauern Range, Austria) for the Time Period 1997-2006 by Means of Aerial Photogrammetry | Presentation
Authors: Viktor Kaufmann, Richard Ladstädter

Building Smart Interactive Maps: Enabling Map Projections in Adobe Flash | Presentation
Author: Nathaniel V. Kelso

Interdisciplinary Research in High Mountain Areas of North-East India | Presentation
Authors: Michaela Kinberger, Karel Kriz, David Schobesberger

Cartographic Design Issues Utilizing Google Earth for Spatial Communication | Presentation
Author: Karel Kriz

Hazard Maps in Switzerland – State-of-the-Art and Potential Improvements | Presentation
Author: Melanie Kunz, Lorenz Hurni

Generating Hypsometric Layers from GTOPO30 for Small-Scale Mapping | Presentation
Authors: Anna Leonowicz, Bernhard Jenny

A Real-Time Flow Map of the Swiss 1:200,000 River Network – Considerations on its Preparation and its Dynamic Integration into a Web-Based Prototype | Presentation
Authors: Christophe Lienert, Olaf Schnabel, Ernst Hutzler, Lorenz Hurni

The Future of Terrain Presentation at National Geographic Magazine | Presentation
Author: William E. McNulty

Creating a National Geographic-Style Physical Map of the World | Presentation
Author: Tom Patterson

The Terrain Models of Joachim Eugen Müller (1752-1833) and the Production of the "Atlas Suisse par Meyer et Weiss" – An Analytical Study Using Non-Contact 3D Digitizing Techniques | Presentation
Authors: Alastair Pearson, Martin Schaefer, Bernhard Jenny

Web Application for Topographic Maps Changes Acquisition | Presentation
Authors: Dušan Petrovič, Blaž Kovačič

An Ambitious Relief Model Project – A Combination of a handmade, a Computer-Generated and a Profiled Relief Model | Presentation
Authors: Stefan Räber, Lorenz Hurni

Panoramic Maps over the Years | Presentation
Author: Arne Rohweder

Evaluating the Effectiveness of 2D vs. 3D Trailhead Maps | Presentation
Authors: David Schobesberger, Tom Patterson

Developing a 3D Dynamic Map of New Zealand’s Backcountry | Presentation
Author: Roger Smith

Historical Mapping for Landscape Reconstruction – Examples from the Canton of Valais (Switzerland) | Presentation
Authors: Sabine Stäuble, Simon Martin, Emmanuel Reynard

Mountain Ski Maps of North America – A Preliminary Survey and Analysis of Style | Presentation
Author: Alex Tait

Mapping Sediment Transfer Processes Using GIS Applications | Presentation
Authors: David Theler, Emmanuel Reynard

ViViTo – An Interactive Information Tool for Mountainous Protected Areas | Presentation
Authors: Alexander Thimm, Christian Schmid, Ruedi Haller

Accidental cARTographer | Presentation
Author: Tibor G. Tóth

High Precision LiDAR Mapping for Complex Mountain Topography | Presentation
Author: Julien Vallet

Rwenzori Meteo and Geodetic Network – An Introduction | Presentation
Authors: Giorgio Vassena, Gregorio Mannucci, Giuseppa Cipriano, Gustavo Corti, Costante Bonacina, Matteo Sgrenzaroli, Bob Nakilesa

Use of NASA World Wind Java SDK for Three-Dimensional Accessibility Visualization of Remote Areas in Lao P.D.R. | Presentation
Authors: Adrian Weber, Andreas Heinimann, Peter Messerli

Mountain Mapping and DSM Generation Using High Resolution Satellite Image Data | Presentation
Authors: Kirsten Wolff, Armin Gruen

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