Minutes of Meetings
23rd meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Cape Town, South Africa
22nd meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Colorado, USA
21th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Florence, Italy
20th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Tokyo, Japan
19th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Hvar, Croatia
18th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Washington, USA
17th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Berchtesgaden, Germany
16th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
15th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Banff, Canada
14th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Dresden, Germany
13th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Taurewa, New Zealand
12th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Paris, France
11th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Borsa, Romania
10th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Santiago, Chile
9th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Lenk, Switzerland
8th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Moscow, Russia
7th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Bohinj, Slovenia
6th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Coruña, Spain
5th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography, Durban, South Africa
4th meeting of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography and
11th meeting of the DGfK Commission on High Mountain Cartography (PDF, 29 KB)
Protokolle der Kommission Hochgebirgskartographie der DGfK:
Protokoll der 6.SitzungProtokoll der 5.Sitzung
Protokoll der 4.Sitzung
Protokoll der 3.Sitzung / Abstracts Forschungsprojekte
Protokoll der 2.Sitzung / SPP Hochgebirge im Wandel
Protokoll der 1.Sitzung / Brainstorming "Terms of Reference"